Sunday, January 30, 2005


Interesting discussion of everyday folders over at Geek with a .45.

FWIW, i've been carrying a CRKT M16-10K for almost a year and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Too close is not very close


In the early eighties, a young police officer named Dennis Teuller wrote an article for Chuck Taylor's Magazine titled "How Close is Too Close?". In the ground breaking article, Officer Teuller compared the time frames in which an adequately trained officer could draw and fire an accurate shot, and the time frame in which an able-bodied man armed with a contact weapon could cross a seven yard distance. The time was remarkably similar - 1.5 seconds for each.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Gun Blog

Michael Bane hosts the Outdoor Channel's "Shooting Gallery. I just ran across his blog. Well worth checking out.