Friday, October 29, 2004

The 41 Mag

The guys at Leverguns have posted three articles on the forgotten magngum

The .41 Magnum - Sundays Child

Heavy Bullets in the .41 Magnum

.41 Magnum Loading Data

See also:

The Wrong Compromise

Friday, October 22, 2004

I'm For Bush

I generally avoid politics on this blog. (I save that for here.) Most of the bloggers on my blogroll do it better than me, so why be a pale imitation?

But there is an election coming up, and it is important t gun owners and hunters. That's why I'm voting for Bush. Kerry would be a disaster for the Second Amendment.

What kind of judges would he appoint, especially to the Supreme Court?

Remember how Clinton used his HUD apparatus in an attempt to sue gun-makers into submission? Any doubt that Kerry, ambulance-chaser Edwards, and their buddies will do the same?

The AWB has died quietly. Imagine what wold have happened if Sarah Brady had use of the bully pulpit and if Kerry was twisting arms and horse-trading to get it renewed. Diane Feinstein might be crowing about her victory over "the dark forces of the NRA."

Bush has been solid, if not spectacular. Kerry would be far, far worse.

Friday, October 15, 2004

.357 Carbine

Gunblast puts the Winchester 94 Ranger through its paces. Even with a 16" barrel they get 2000 fps with 125 grain handloads. And 1450 with 38 Special 125 gr. jacketed bullets.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Attention Weapons Experts

James over at Hell in a Handbasket is running a little contest. Can you identify the RPG?